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First Class

Indiana economic development course offers first-hand perspective, experience to prepare professionals

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Financial Aide

Prosperity Ag owner Christi Southerland was surprised to see the fruits of her labor packed in her children’s lunches.

It was in the form of packaged applesauce from a rural Midwestern apple cooperative. She had helped the co-op to secure a grant for the supplies to package its applesauce.

Going to Town

In this podcast episode, our host Brian Anderson talks with Crystal Jones, the executive director of the Perry County Economic Development Authority in Missouri.

WVPA Generating History

We’ve had to learn as we’ve grown. It’s a very complicated business, but our commitment to serve our member co-ops…

After Auto(mation) Pilot

A new rural economic development grant program piloted by WVPA’s member electric cooperatives last year is taking off in 2023.
