Economic Development

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Renewed Education

For more than a decade, an Illinois community college’s wind turbine turned heads while powering the school.

A nearly completed multimillion-dollar campus renovation soon will power careers of students working on nearby wind farms – along with solar arrays, battery storage systems and advanced manufacturing jobs.

Powering Progress

Now, more than ever, consumers are taking power into their own hands. Technology has evolved to create unique opportunities for businesses and families – even the energy industry.

(Covered) Bridging Tourism and Economic Development

When it comes to bridging tourism and economic development, one rural Indiana county has it covered – literally.

Farm to Trough

Several years ago, the 550-foot-long barn at Noble Organic Grains bustled with cows to sell to nearby dairies.

The northeastern Indiana farm’s barn is now brimming with bales of organic hay – that will soon be feeding cows and other farm animals across the U.S.
